The project involves the engineering, procurement, construction, and installation of a production flowline and related subsea infrastructure at Shell’s Phase 3 Silvertip development.
The discovery confirms the potential of the Goliat ridge, where additional gross prospective recoverable resources of over 100 mmboe will be assessed with the planned drilling program in 2025.
Gerald V. Sims brings a wealth of experience in gas utilities and a strong track record in sales leadership, both of which will help Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection to continue increasing its market share in this important geographic market.
The offshore installation of the pipeline will be performed by Saipem’s flagship vessel Castorone, and the nearshore operations will be performed by Saipem’s shallow water pipelay Castoro 10.
Specifically designed to address the demands of the Oil & Gas sector, Viper Innovations' V-LIM is an accurate and precise sensor which monitors electrical cable integrity.
The NEP infrastructure will initially serve three carbon capture projects in the Teesside region (NZT Power, H2Teesside and Teesside Hydrogen CO2 Capture).
The award covers more than 100 wells across nine ultra-deepwater rigs including exploratory and revitalization wells in the Campos Basin, with potential operations in the Equatorial Margin.