Air Liquide has received EU support to develop the first large-scale project for the production, liquefaction, and distribution of low-carbon and renewable hydrogen from ammonia.
The new edition of the proven, multifunctional Omniport hand-held measuring device from E+E Elektronik focuses on increasing efficiency and reducing costs at the same time, especially for applications in maintenance technology.
The upgraded facility is expected to increase product flexibility and expand the processing capacity of lighter crudes by nearly 15 percent to 125,000 barrels per day.
The project includes a CO2 gathering network and onshore compression facilities as well as a 145km offshore pipeline and subsea injection and monitoring facilities for the Endurance saline aquifer.
The contract concerns the offshore facilities for natural gas production and transportation as well as the capture, utilization and storage of CO2 (CCUS).
Using advanced cloud and edge AI capabilities, the system automatically selects the best route for drilling the well based on high-fidelity downhole measurements.
The Ruwais LNG plant will be the first LNG export facility in the Middle East and Africa region to run on clean power, making it one of the lowest-carbon intensity LNG plants in the world.
The assessment of the Sirius-2 well results confirmed local volumes of over 6 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) in place (VGIP). This discovery may increase Colombia's current reserves by 200%.
The full project represents the first major subsea development in Suriname, and it is aimed at expanding the production of the block central area through a system of subsea wells connected to a FPSO vessel.